Vegan Charcuterie Board #1

For my very first Sweet Greens Vegan Meatless Monday dinner series I had to include a charcuterie board. Before I became vegan, I practically ordered charcuterie boards wherever I went. I was obsessed.

The dinner was Italian themed so I included pasta nests and large tomatoes for added decor.

Charcuterie boards are one of the few things I do miss so I was determined to recreate my own using the ingredients below. It was a hit and I’m sure you’ll enjoy it as well

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  • Olives
  • Pita crackers
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Cashews
  • Almonds
  • Fig "Salami"
  • Grapes
  • Hummus
  • Trail Mix
  • Almonds

Photos and content for this recipe are copyright protected.

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